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Chibi Xion Emoticons



Although it is pixel art, I thought it would be safer to upload it under fan art, because it is a character from a Video Game.

These are emoticons of Xion, a character from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. These were made specifically for SunnyIsland :iconsunnyisland: and it is up to her if she wants to share the actual (animated) ones or not XD

They are all animated. And because I made each emote with a different frame timing, it would have been a serious pain in the butt to synch them to move in one big animation as I originally planned to. So they are all stills here. :lol:
Image size
477x409px 292.72 KB
© 2009 - 2024 princess-phoenix
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sorakusu's avatar
Nice artwork! :)